Digital Mailroom for Finance and Accounting
AI-driven digital mailroom software that digitizes inbound documents and automates distribution and processing.

Why Digital Mailroom?
Digital Mailroom software drives efficiency, responsiveness, agility and security in finance and accounting functions.
Digitize and distribute finance documents received from suppliers, customers, and partners to drive friction-free financial processing.
Respond faster to customers & suppliers
Remove manual work
Increase efficiency of finance teams
Reduce risk of fraud
Cuts costs of paper-based processing
Digitize and distribute all inbound documents
Route any document automatically to the correct person or team
Distribute invoices, contracts, correspondence, PO’s, etc. based on document type, index data, information automatically extracted, and business rules. Route to in-office or remote teams.
Paper and other mail in a single digital inbox
Process paper mail, email and attachments, mobile device submissions, branch office scans, and portal uploads, all within one digital mailroom solution.
Control security of finance documents
Route only to authorized recipients
Control permissions and distribution lists. Prevent accidental or fraudulent document sharing.
Protect sensitive documents and data
Segregate data and duties to limit risk. Generate full audit trail of all document interactions automatically.
Digital transformation for document-driven finance processes
Remove manual work in any use case
Eliminate latency via mailroom automation for invoicing, accounts payable, accounts receivable, procurement, and supply chain document processing
Manage document processing efficiency
Monitor document volumes with real-time dashboards. Apply SLAs and auto-forwarding to drive timely processing.
AP Inbox for Ondox
AP Inbox for Ondox is a comprehensive and efficient email handling and routing solution that automates the receipt and processing of incoming AP documents. The solution improves AP efficiency, saves time and effort, creates transparency, prevents fraud, and efficiently engages suppliers.
The solution includes powerful rule-based routing, detailed attachment management, duplicate invoice checking, advanced exception handling, and optimized auto-routing using machine learning and Generative AI.
Read AP Inbox: Transforming your AP Processing on the challenges, requirements and benefits of a robust AP Inbox solution and contact us discuss how the AP Inbox for Ondox solution can drive improved AP processing.
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AP Inbox: Transforming your AP Processing
What our customers say
Digital mailroom software helps enforce segregation of duties and data to ensure that sensitive financial documents and data are securely distributed and shared, visible only to permissioned people. Data and documents cannot be sent by mistake or fraudulently to unauthorized recipients and enterprise-grade security reduces the risk of documents being lost, tampered, damaged, stolen, or copied.
Digital mailroom software saves time and effort and helps teams make decisions faster. By distributing documents immediately on receipt, and automatically extracting and presenting data from documents, a digital mailroom drives efficiency and increases team productivity.

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Finding your Digital Mailroom Solution
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