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7 Secrets of Digital Mailroom Success

Digitizing inbound documents transforms your whole company – not just your mailroom. The pandemic-driven shift to remote working has forced organizations to rethink their digital mailroom and all business processes that rely on inbound documents. Simply put, the race is on to transform physical, paper-based mail capture and routing. What’s needed? A digital operation that delivers inbound mail securely, quickly, and in digital format to the right people, no matter where they are. We’ve helped multiple customers meet this urgent digitization ...

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Claims Processing in the Digital Era: What’s Next?

The insurance industry is in the midst of a radical shift. As customers embrace digital channels and technologies in their everyday lives, they bring with them heightened expectations of what claims processing should look like. Customers expect a seamless claims process, with efficient resolutions and clear communication throughout. When these expectations are not met and the customer has a bad claims experience, insurer costs surge. As a result, claims handling could be considered the most important and volatile interaction between ...

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Cloud Document Processing Is it Safe?

If you want to clear a room just start talking about Information Security, or ‘InfoSec’ to the initiated. Non-technical people want to run for the hills and technical teams envisage protracted discussions of arcane detail when Information Security is on the agenda. Ask the same room to discuss cloud document processing, and the urge to flee reaches new heights. Nonetheless, a lot of people will remain in the room: the Chief Information Security Officer, the CIO, the Head of Compliance, ...

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Finding your Digital Mailroom Solution

Digital mailroom projects offer a quick and simple solution for companies who want to adapt to hybrid working practices. These projects also accelerate the digital transformation and innovative potential of an organization. But what is a digital mailroom, actually? And how do you find a digital mailroom solution that best suits your organization? What is a Digital Mailroom? Digital mailrooms accelerate the flow and processing of incoming documents to your organization. Those inbound documents can include invoices, claim forms, proofs ...

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Generative AI: Your New Digital Assistant

In the world of digital assistants, RPA used to reign supreme, revolutionizing routine tasks and boosting productivity. But now, there’s a new contender in town: Generative AI. With the potential to add trillions of dollars in value to the global economy, Generative AI is making waves with its ability to automate cognitive work and narrow the skills gap. In this blog, we’ll explore the real-world impact of Generative AI and how it can transform your business operations. The New Kid ...

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Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) – What’s Next?

The demand for IDP (Intelligent Document Processing) software is surging. While estimates vary, most agree that the market is growing at ~50% p.a. and will soon exceed $4bn in size. But IDP is not new, so why is demand now so strong? And what should we expect next from the IDP industry? Why Is IDP Growing So Quickly? Many vendors have been providing document processing software for decades. Kofax and ABBYY have been long-time leaders in this sector and have ...

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